
War situation 2018.6.7

****[multi-language] War situation 2018.6.7A cause is that the Self-Defense Forces built man's network by the possession. It is also the experiment on a human body conducted without notice for people. In Japan, schizophrenia increased …

War situation 2018.6.7

****[multi-language] War situation 2018.6.7JR前橋駅に行ってきました。会えたかどうかは、私の守秘義務により、秘密です。上りホームの待合室の中のベンチのクッションの下に私の名刺があります。写真は、上の記事にあります。 一緒に、反撃しません…

Mission y0.m0.d0 2018.6.7

[multi-language]Mission y0.m0.d0 2018.6.7[The counterattack method] when there is a counterattack of P.O.E. T. ->* It is a standard at the time of the counterattack of P.0.E.T that a motion becomes blunt. Without knowing why, Bubble posses…